I’ve had many people who have read my book ask me if I ever considered my self an addict and how did I ever stop. First of all, while doing drugs you never think you are an addict just like an alcoholic never thinks they are an alcoholic. You think to yourself that you can quit at any time. But when the temptation arises you are the first one in line. I looked at smoking pot as being recreational just like an alcoholic considers their drinking as just being social. The end result in both cases you do it to catch a buzz and to escape from reality for a while. The problem is when you come back down off your buzz reality smacks you right in your face. To quit anything whether it is drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol you have to want to or have to. What I mean by have to is a doctor telling you if you don’t quit you will die. I was tired of hearing a siren and wondering if the law was coming after me. I thought the law of averages were building up against me. Eventually my luck would run out and I would end up in jail. I would not be able to see my kids and future grand kids. That fear was greater than the high I was getting. I quit cold turkey. I have never looked back. Quitting is not impossible but it is not easy. Like I said you have to really want to or you never will.
Go to my website rickcarlegofigure.com to check out my other blogs or to buy my book GO FIGURE- My Wacky Journey From Outlaw to Leading Citizen.