
Go Figure by Rick Carle touches all of the senses and emotions.  You will laugh and cry.  It also teaches throughout the book. This fun read could change your life or that of someone you know, but equally important it is a very good, well written book!!   –Vince Leinen


Go Figure by Rick Carle is reminiscent of Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, and Forrest Gump.  There are moments of mischievous youth and tragic adulthood missteps.  Hopefully, some of the stories are taken from other people’s lives and are not all Rick’s alone.  The turnaround in Rick’s life gives encouragement to all people seeking a new direction in life.  I enjoyed it greatly and congratulate Rick on this major accomplishment, both literary and behaviorally.
Dr. Drew Sieben


My husband bought Go Figure by Rick Carle on Saturday and brought it home.  He said “I bought you a book” and I thought, right.  Like I have time to read a book.  That was at 5 PM.  I opened Rick’s book and started reading it sitting at the dining room table and I could not put it down.  I didn’t move until nearly 11:30 that night when I finished it.  The book is soooooo good!  There was a few things I could relate to of the younger years of Rick growing up.  Like the ornery brothers stories. my brothers were pretty ornery but nothing like shutting me in a box and sitting on the lid.  I loaned Go Figure to one of my sisters and I can’t wait to get it back so I can re-read it.  This book is very well written.  Great work, Rick!!  –Bev Buske
I thought Go Figure was a great and easy read.  I didn’t want to put it down as I was interested to find out what was going to happen to Rick next!  I found the book to be very humorous and funny, making me literally laugh out loud many times,  but also had some serious points almost bringing me to tears.  Overall I think Go Figure is a very entertaining book and a great story of someone choosing to turn their life around for the better!  Who doesn’t love a happy ending?
Amy Roberts
This was a good book…kept me wanting to read on to see what happened next!  Glad to hear the way Rick’s life ended…if only it was a good ending for other people who have walked the same path.  Rick, thanks for sharing your life!
-Bonnie Bacon
I really enjoyed reading the book and learning about the ups and downs of Rick’s life.  It was a very easy read and made you want to keep reading to see what was going to happen next.  Easy to relate to different situations.  I would highly recommend this book for enjoyable reading!!
The author’s ability to spin a yarn keeps you reading to see what will happen next.  Great humor! Very inspiring!!
-Jeff C.
Good Shall Prevail–Both this book and how Rick turned out after the issues and overcoming adversity are amazing!!  This book is an easy read and makes me realize that there is always hope for things and people to change most definitely for the good.  Good job Rick!!
-Angie Flint
It is always refreshing to know someone can turn their life around.  This story does have a happy ending.  I even cried at the end.  God Bless You Rick!
I enjoyed the book!  It is humorous and serious.  It demonstrates that people can change if they want to and are willing to put the work into it.  Go Figure is a quick read that keeps your interest from start to finish.  I recommend this book!!
-Mary Fisher
What a great book and well written!  It would have been interesting to know the author in real life.  A definite must read!!
-Mike Adamson
If you know Rick, he did not mean Go Figure to be of “literary value”, as on review mentioned.  However, the value it had for him and all those that have walked in his shoes–that’s the value!  It should be mandatory reading for any social work or sociology class in college.  Even in our society today, many of those students still live in glass houses!  Hats off to all those around Rick that supported him in this endeavor.  With all the references he made in the town where he lives and works, took the courage he has developed and everyone is a winner.  Go buy the book!!
-Dennis Baugh
I find the book delightful and insightful.  Rick deals with a rough and tumble childhood.  He writes equally with humor and drama about difficult events.  Sometimes it reminds me of my own experiences with my brother and sister.  It makes you realize how fortunate we are that we did grow up and avoided real trouble.  I recommend this book!!
-Clif Young
I really enjoyed reading Rick’s book.  It was very inspirational and moving.  It made me realize that any of could take the wrong path in life but still be able to change.  My mom was so right when she used to say that you shouldn’t write shame on someone forever. Allow them to change and accept them for who they are now and not condemn them for the mistakes they made in the past. Congratulations Rick for writing a great book that gives encouragement and hope!
-Judith F.