Immediately after a school shooting the first thing you hear or read about is we need more gun control. Sadly, even if they stopped selling ALL types of guns tomorrow it wouldn’t make a difference. If someone wants a gun they will get it just like if someone wants drugs they will get them. Chicago has the toughest gun control of any city in the United States and yet has the most murders. Go figure. So that’s not the solution.
Then it goes to mental health. Now, that may play a small part only because after each shooting it is reported that they had mental health problems. Here is what I think the root of the problem is: I call it Social Separation from Society Syndrome or better known as (the loner).
Let me describe the next killer. First of all, he is male. Data shows that over 95% of all mass shootings are by a male. That eliminates at least 50% of the population. He spends most of the time in his bedroom alone, with the door closed on his X-Box, or Play Station 4, or whatever device he has. He plays video games where he shoots and kills things, or people, and is damn good at it. In fact, he is numb to the killings on the monitor and really enjoys it. His parents know he is in his room all the time but they think it is better than him yelling at them, acting out, bullying and even hitting his younger brothers and sisters. He has one maybe two close friends. He wants nothing to do with society. He hates to go to school functions and activities. He doesn’t go out for sports. He would rather be alone. He is angry at everyone and the world. He talks about his guns or buying guns. He brags about killing animals, even cats and dogs. He maybe even brag about being the next school shooter. Unfortunately, right now the next killer is planning his attack and more than likely already has the gun or guns he is planning on using. Any new gun control laws won’t do anything to stop him. His ego tells him that it has to be bigger than the one before, so he has to kill more than 17 to achieve his high and 15 minutes of fame. If you know this killer please tell someone. He might be your friend, your classmate, your neighbor, and even your relative. Like the attorney general in Florida said, “I would rather go investigate 99 people and be wrong and stop the one out of the hundred that was the right one.”
If you know this person…If you suspect this person…who is up to no good, you need to tell your parents, your teachers, the guidance counselor, or even the police to stop this next killer. After every killing they interview the friends or neighbors and they ALWAYS say the same thing. He was acting strange lately. He said and was doing terrible things next door. He talked about his anger and maybe even doing something about it. HELLO!! These are warning signs!!! Act now. Don’t wait until you are on TV giving your interview about what you had noticed. WE can STOP the next school shooting, not the NRA, not the mental hospitals, not the media. It is up to YOU and ME. A great example was a grandma in Washington who reported on her grandson and it turns out he was planning an attack. Thank God she stopped it. If this makes sense and you agree PLEASE share this with everyone you know and maybe to other papers so they can put it in their Letter to the Editor sections. Maybe if we get the word out of who is showing the telltale signs, WE can be the ones who stop the next killing from happening. Because like I said, he is planning it RIGHT NOW!

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